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Is there a difference between bad eating habits and an eating disorder?


Is there a difference between bad eating habits and an eating disorder?


Yes. Bad eating habits or thoughts about losing weight or changing one’s shape do not by themselves mean someone has an eating disorder. An eating disorder is an illness and requires specific treatment. Although a diagnosis of an eating disorder can only be given after a full examination by appropriate health professionals, there are some essential distinctions between an eating disorder and what is called disordered eating. Disordered eating refers to mild and transient changes in eating patterns that occur in relation to a stressful event, an illness, or some other reason. Disordered eating does not lead to significant health, social, school, or work problems and rarely causes major medical complications. Education and/or self-help groups can be very useful in correcting disordered eating. Unfortunately, disordered eating can become more serious and lead to an actual eating disorder.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.