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Is there a role for differentiation or innovation by private label companies?


Is there a role for differentiation or innovation by private label companies?


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There is a role for private label companies to differentiate and facilitate innovation. We do it by staying abreast of the most up to date science on ingredients and the availability of those ingredients. Then it is up to us to determine in which products or a combination of products would the consumer be best served by using these ingredients. More and more stores feature their private label as the premier lines in their store. This means that if we introduce an innovative product it will sell well, regardless of what the national brands sell or what is popular in the marketplace. We experienced this in the last few years with innovative allergy, fiber, probiotic and condition specific products. 7) What value do you find in being part of industry quality standards programs? Being a part of industry quality standard programs has a lot of benefits. It helps, in short, to ensure value. It helps keep us abreast of the best science in the industry and helps us network with some of the most

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.