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Is there any benefit to adding used coffee grounds to the soil?

benefit coffee grounds soil Used

Is there any benefit to adding used coffee grounds to the soil?


Q: In 2001, we moved into a new office, so the manager’s wife brought in a plant cutting, placed it in the window sill and there it stayed for about 18 months. It never grew in size, but it did bloom. Even though that little stub never grew, it was very healthy looking. Every morning there was a swallow left in my coffee cup (no cream, no sugar), so I began to pour the leftover coffee in the plant. The little plant began to grow and now we have repotted it. We have grown six other plants from that once stubby little plant. The plant is beautiful and everyone comments on it as they walk into our office. We think the only reason it doesn’t look exactly like those in garden centers and florist shops is that ours likes coffee (no cream, no sugar). What is in coffee that would make the difference in growth? (e-mail reference) A: Coffee is a rich source of most nutrients needed for plant growth, all in trace amounts. The fact that the coffee has gone through a hot-water treatment with the gr

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