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Is there software that works like SimCity and displays costs and impacts for different types of growth?


Is there software that works like SimCity and displays costs and impacts for different types of growth?


While they aren’t exactly like SimCity, there are a lot of tools that can give you indicators. Portland, Oregon has done a lot of this. A group from Oregon does template maps that include some of the costs. Most are GIS-based and you can weight the formulas. Some programs are very technology-intensive, others are not. Citizens want to see quick results. Real-time analysis is great. Q: The cities in our region are competing with each other for growth. Did you see that in the Boise region? A: Yes. We created one scenario called “suburban explosion” that put all the residential growth in one county and jobs in the other. This helped the cities understand the need for jobs-housing balance. Q: How did you get buy-in from local jurisdictions? A: Some jurisdictions felt the scenarios did not reflect their comprehensive plans and are thus not valid. We are still struggling with that. There is suspicion about regional planning. Q: How will you implement the plan? A: We will ask local government

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.