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Isn’t coaching just therapy, counselling, mentoring or consulting?

10 Posted

Isn’t coaching just therapy, counselling, mentoring or consulting?


Coaching has similarities with other professions, for example, those using listening skills. The similarities can often lead to confusion; isn’t coaching just therapy, etc? It is therefore essential to be clear on what these differences are. Coaching is not counselling or therapy although many clients report it is therapeutic! Therapy patients often present with issues causing distress that has prolonged impact on their day to day living. Coaching clients on the other hand are often seen as successful, fulfilled and contented people amongst their peers. Another aspect that differentiates counselling and therapy from coaching is that there can be a focus on the past, on why things have happened. This alone may provide insight but without focussing on now and new possibilities for the future the patient may be more knowledgeable but still stuck. Instead coaching focuses on where clients are now and helps them towards where they want to be in the future. It is a proactive process. Coachin

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