It appears that recipients need to collect certified payroll originals from subrecipients, is this required for all ARRA DOE funded projects or only weatherization projects?
ANSWER #1: The requirement for the recipient to maintain the original weekly certified payroll is for all Recovery-Act funded DOE grant programs. Department of Labor (DOL) approved the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) modified Davis-Bacon clauses on August 20, 2009. In September 2009 DOL informed DOE that its Recipients must maintain the original certified payroll on behalf of DOE for all American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)-funded grants. The DOE immediately prepared a “Frequently Asked Question” (FAQ) that was posted on the Weatherization Assistance Program’s website (and later posted to the State Energy Program (SEP) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) websites). Further, during a meeting of the National Association for State Community Services Programs held September 15-18, 2009, Mr. Tim Helm, Chief, Branch of Government Contracts Enforcement at DOL, specifically addressed questions about whether scanned or faxed copies of the certified
Related Questions
- Will an agency be required to submit retroactive certified payroll records if they started ARRA funded work prior to receiving the DOL wage determinations?
- What is a certified payroll and where can I find a copy with instructions for completing it?
- see below), it says that the DBA certified payroll is submitted to DOE. Is that right?