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Ive been thinking about getting a flu shot, but have heard conflicting things about them and their benefits…Do flu shots make people sick?


Ive been thinking about getting a flu shot, but have heard conflicting things about them and their benefits…Do flu shots make people sick?


Like any vaccine, there is a small percentage of the population that gets sick from it. In the case of the flu vaccine, these people are usually affected more by the transport medium (egg protein) than by the deactivated virus itself. Of course, there are a few who do develop the disease itself, but the symptoms are usually minor and recovery is quick. As for whether you should get one, I would wait until the next strain is identified and the next vaccine is produced (September or October at the earliest).


Long story short – The flu shot does not make you sick. Period.


Two years in a row, when i was in the Navy, i got a flu shot, the next day i was sick with the flu and lasted 3-4 weeks. After that, when it was time for a flu shot, i refused. The shop chief told me that they would withold my pay till i got one. I asked them if i would get my all my money on the day that i got out and they said yes. They held my check for a week, and they then realized i was serious.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.