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Ive heard that HIV antibody testing sometimes doesnt work on people who have AIDS, is this true?

AIDS Antibody heard people Testing

Ive heard that HIV antibody testing sometimes doesnt work on people who have AIDS, is this true?


Over a prolonged period of time, as the body’s immune system becomes increasingly compromised, the body will produce less and less antibodies and eventually reach a stage where neither the test, the ELISA, or the Western Blot would be capable of detecting them. This usually occurs during the late stages of AIDS. The current definition of someone in late stage AIDS is when their CD4 count dips below 200. Of course by this time the diagnosis of AIDS has been well established and antibody testing would be unnecessary. You claim that Discreet is 99.4% accurate after 28 days. I’ve been told that I should wait six months from the time of possible exposure before taking an AIDS/HIV test. Could you please clear this up for me? The test has actually been known to detect the HIV1, HIV2, and HIV-O antibodies in as little as seven days. However it is not until the 28 day to three-month period that the HIV antibodies become the most easily detectable. The test is 99.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.