Kynurenic Acid: Does It Bar Schizophrenics From Making Executive Decisions?
Foreword: Not when the brain compound is within its specified limits; inability in schizophrenics to handle day-to-day problems occurs when its levels get elevated in their brains. It is a study by Dr. John P. Bruno (Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience; Ohio State University), who also mentioned the reformatory measures as important supplements for the anti-psychotic medicines administered normally for treating the most resistant indications of cognitive impairment disorders. Schizophrenia and its effects on an individual: Schizophrenia involves both hallucination and delusion, which further reduces the cognitive flexibility in individuals suffering from the disorder, which again stops individuals from adjusting their thought processes to changing circumstances. It’s only through a much-lengthy process they can set their goals or plan ways to achieve the goals.