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Microblading courses

Amara8810 Posted

Hey, everyone. I have a question mostly for girls, but any recommendations are welcome. Has someone taken microblading courses? Is it expensive and hard to learn? I have a certificate of passing courses of makeup and lashes extension and want to add one more to them.


Hey, Amara! Microblading is not hard to learn if you’re dedicated to studying it and will choose the right school. What about the price, its hard to say whether it’s expensive, but that classes worth it. I finished microblading courses here and can recommend this university. It was more than just studying. Our masterclasses were engaging, I found out a lot of info from the experienced beauty trainers. I had a lot of practice, too, not just a theoretical part, so after finishing school, I feel confident in that field.


Krása je jediná věc, kterou máme. S profesionálními make-up tutoriály můžete dosáhnout skvělého výsledku, ale také doporučuji věnovat pozornost speciálnímu permanentnímu make-upu nebo laminaci řas. S ním budou vaše řasy vždy vypadat skvěle a budou mít jedinečný vzhled!

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.