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My agency has pay bands. May I modify the Workforce Data Tables, particularly Tables A/B 4 and 5, to reflect pay bands instead of GS grades?


My agency has pay bands. May I modify the Workforce Data Tables, particularly Tables A/B 4 and 5, to reflect pay bands instead of GS grades?


In its MD-715 report, an agency may not provide the data required by Tables A/B 4 and 5 solely by modifying the Tables to use pay bands. Glass ceilings can occur within a pay band, and this method does not allow the agency to identify the specific pay level where a group may be experiencing barriers. In addition, government-wide data is reported by use of the GS grades, which remain the most common pay schedule. Agencies must use payroll data to break down these employees into the equivalent GS-grades for purposes of completing Tables A/B 4 and 5. We suggest that the agency’s EEO office, in conjunction with its Human Resource office, determine the precise metrics for breaking down of the payroll data to ensure consistency throughout the agency. An agency may, of course, elect to perform additional analyses using pay band data. 33. My agency has several different Wage Grade structures governing different employees and the actual pay for each grade level differs significantly from struct

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