My child has been diagnosed with Mental Retardation (or a developmental disability). Where can I get more information?
The internet, books, and workshops all provide opportunities for you to learn more. Take your time sifting through all the information available. You can begin with this site. Go to the section entitled IDDNC Related Links to find a sub-section called Advocacy and Specific Disability Organizations. The Arc of Greater Houston ( has a Resource Guide you can down load with links to other web sites, local and state resources and a listing of local schools for children with disabilities. Another web site, the Arc Link ( can help you navigate “the system” including social security benefits, insurance, education, legal services and much more. Find the Select a State menu and go to Texas. At the top of this page, choose Know the System and on that page go to How the System Works. Parents as Case Managers, (281) 955-5803, holds trainings for parents on all sorts of disability issues from education to SSI to guardianship and soc