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My desktop is so nice, I want to make a screenshot! How can I do that in Xfce?

desktop screenshot Xfce

My desktop is so nice, I want to make a screenshot! How can I do that in Xfce?


There are at least 6 possibilities: The screenshooter panel plugin: Add it to your panel and click to make a screenshot. Salasaga – Dedicated application for doing screenshots and application captures Add a keyboard shortcut (i.e. Control-Printscreen) for the “salasaga_screencapture” command The Gimp In the Acquire menu: scrot: e.g. “scrot -s -t 150×150” (either select a window or select a rectangle with the mouse) Import from ImageMagick e.g. “import image.png” (select a window with the mouse) Using good old xv with grab function

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