My GNOME Desktop is acting strangely. How do I reset it?
Most likely due to a crash your GNOME settings have become corrupted. Reset GNOME to orginal defaults by logging out and then pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 together. Login at the text prompt and then do pkill -u $USER gconfd-2 pkill -u $USER nautilus rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf* .gtk* .sawfish* .save-* rm -rf /tmp/gconfd-$USER /tmp/orbit-$USER then ‘exit’ to logoff and press Ctrl-Alt-F7 together. You can then login as normal.
Most likely due to a crash your GNOME settings have become corrupted. Reset GNOME to orginal defaults by logging out and then pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 together. Login at the text prompt and then do pkill -u $USER gconfd-2 pkill -u $USER nautilus rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf* .gtk* .sawfish* .save-* rm -rf /tmp/gconfd-$USER /tmp/orbit-$USER then ‘exit’ to logoff and press Ctrl-Alt-F7 together. You can then login as normal.