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Oh, like in the Donovan song?

Donovan Oh Song
10 Posted

Oh, like in the Donovan song?


Certainly Donovan recorded a song called The Hurdy-gurdy Man. It’s not clear whether he had the stringed instrument in mind when he wrote the song. Two minor pieces of evidence indicate that the song refers to the stringed hurdy-gurdy instead of the barrel organ. First, the lyrics refer to the hurdy-gurdy man “singing songs of love”. The barrel organ can only play one or two songs, but the plural songs suggests that the instrument can play more than one. (Actually some versions of the barrel organ have interchangable discs or rolls which allow different tunes to be played, so this point is even more sketchy.) Second, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin reputedly played guitar on the studio recording (though no listing of musicians or instrumentation is given on the liner notes, and in some accounts he’s quoted that he either didn’t do it or doesn’t remember doing it.) In any case it’s documented that Page had an interest in the stringed hurdy-gurdy. There are unfounded rumors that a hurdy-gurdy

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