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Oh man, i am a BIG fan of Peters work. I even have some of his earlier stuff — South Pacific Quest, remember that one?


Oh man, i am a BIG fan of Peters work. I even have some of his earlier stuff — South Pacific Quest, remember that one?


Him: “Nope. I gotta tell Peter about this!” I’ve never heard from Peter though. Another interesting tidbit: remember Threshold? It was THE COOLEST Space Invaders clone ever to grace an Apple // screen (actually it was more of an Astro-Blaster clone). It was created by Warren Schwader (he also did that Cribbage game that had a bad bug in it.) Well, back in March 1992, we of id Software travelled to Sierra (Online) to show them a pre-alpha version of Wolfenstein 3D. Sierra was interested in buying id Software back then (for a very, very CHEAP price!) and we wanted to show them our n ew 3D technology to get them all juicy. Well, i was asking Ken Williams if he knew where any old Apple // guys were and he said he had ONE still working at Sierra. He brought us into a room with an older guy and said, “This is Warren Schwader.” Instantly, i was saying, “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy! Threshold was a KICK ASS game! You created a legend!” Sierra balked at our asking for a $100K advance pay

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.