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On what day did the Taino people officially reorganize in the Caribbean?


On what day did the Taino people officially reorganize in the Caribbean?


The Jatibonicu Taino tribe and it tribal nation officially reorganized in Puerto Rico on November 18, 1970, in Barrio Botijas, Orocovis, Puerto Rico. The rest of Taino revival groups reorganized in the Caribbean and United States on the 18 day of November 1993. This took place on the island of Boriken (Puerto Rico) at the “Taino Indian Ceremonial Grounds” of “El Batey Ceremonial de Caguanas”,(Ceremonial Ball Court of Caguanas) at Barrio Caguanas, Utuado, Puerto Rico. The Indigenous leaders, elders and many of the island born Tainos of, “The Taino Indian Movement of Boriken (Puerto Rico)” gathered in Utuado, Puerto Rico. Yes the Taino people had finally met in the Caribbean region after 500 years at this sacred Taino ceremony site at Barrio Caguanas, to reaffirm their ethnic Taino Caribbean nationality. The island people met under the leadership of the Elders of “The Taino Council of Boriken”. The first Taino Indigenous Congress was held in Boriken (Puerto Rico) at Barrio Caguanas the f

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