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Once the Queensland Coastal Plan has commenced, what will DERM’s role be in planning and development?


Once the Queensland Coastal Plan has commenced, what will DERM’s role be in planning and development?


DERM will have a responsibility to ensure the planning policies of the Queensland Coastal Plan are adequately reflected in regional and local planning instruments. For local planning instruments, this will be achieved through the State interest check process. DERM’s coastal development assessment concurrence or assessment role applies only in the coastal management district. On land, this is a narrow strip along the coast, typically between 50–200 m from the water. In built up areas, DERM’s concurrence role is usually limited in extent to the first property or road. In marine and estuarine areas, DERM’s assessment role extends to tidal limits (in waterways) and the extent of State coastal waters. The planning and development jurisdiction of local government generally extends only to high water mark.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.