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Polaris Vac-Sweep 360 Frequently Asked Questions top Q: Why does my Polaris 360 get stuck in corners or on other obstacles longer than 3 minutes?

10 Posted

Polaris Vac-Sweep 360 Frequently Asked Questions top Q: Why does my Polaris 360 get stuck in corners or on other obstacles longer than 3 minutes?


Your Polaris cleaner needs to operate at a minimum number of wheel revolutions per minute. The optimal range is between 28-32 RPM. It is easy to check the RPM by bringing the cleaner to the edge of the pool keeping it submerged, turn it so the single side wheel is up (make sure you hold on to the sweep hose so you will not get wet). Mark the single wheel or place a leaf or twig under the tire as a starting point; count the revolutions of the marked wheel for exactly one minute, beginning after the Polaris has completed a back-up cycle (back-up jet off). If your wheel RPM is in the correct range, you will need to make sure your back-up valve is cycling. Hold the back up valve out of the water and watch the back up jet to make sure it turns on and turns off. This jet should be off longer than it is on. Turn your Polaris 360 off, remove it from the water and spin one wheel and verify that all wheels spin together. Finally, check your thrust jet located on the back of your cleaner; it shou

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.