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Reader Question: Should I Install a DPF Delete Kit on a 2008 Ford F-250 Pickup?


Reader Question: Should I Install a DPF Delete Kit on a 2008 Ford F-250 Pickup?


Jerome writes: In delving further in to the morass of biodiesel and new engines … I have looked into “DPF delete kits,” and wanted to get your thoughts on them … these kits seem mostly for off road use as they hurt emissions, but by running biodiesel I would not be doing that. Do you think this kit would solve the issue of running the biodiesel in a new truck like my F-250 2008? Are their claims for higher mileage and power anything to believe, or just hollow claims? I appreciate your time. Hi Jerome, Regarding your specific comments and questions–just to keep things nice and organized–we’ll step through them one-by-one as we did in the previous response. But first, as a general comment, we don’t have any direct experience with the company “DPF Delete Kits.” We did however spend time investigating their website, the claims they make and the products that they offer. … these kits seem mostly for off road use a

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