see below), it says that the DBA certified payroll is submitted to DOE. Is that right?
d. The due date for each certified payroll to be submitted to DOE, as the contracting agency, or to the financial assistance recipient in accordance with the contract, is no later than one week after each weekly pay date. (For information regarding penalties for failure to submit certified payrolls or for falsification of payroll information, see Section 4-4b of this Desk Guide.) e. The prime contractor is responsible for the timely submission to DOE of certified payrolls for all subcontractors. The prime contractor is obligated to notify all subcontractors of the labor provisions of the contract and to ensure that each subcontractor submits timely, accurate and complete certified payrolls.
Related Questions
- I do not plan to do any renovation work in pre-1978 housing. Must I be a certified renovator to distribute the Renovate Right brochure or the "opt-out acknowledgement" form to potential clients ?
- It appears that recipients need to collect certified payroll originals from subrecipients, is this required for all ARRA DOE funded projects or only weatherization projects?
- How often are certified payroll submitted to the public entity?