Should I drink Kombucha Tea on an empty stomach?
Concerning when to take the first drink of Kombucha. It is recommended that the first Kombucha be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The purpose is for the Kombucha Tea to move into the body quickly with out the hindrance of food and digestive juices. However, not everybody’s stomach is the same. Some people insist that the acidic Kombucha Tea upsets their stomach when consumed on an empty tummy. It is suggested that they eat something first or take their Kombucha Tea with food. That is better than not taking it at all. If one takes the tea during the day under a variety of situations then they may get different effects and benefits when the tea hits the stomach with varying kinds and amounts of food in the stomach. I have always drunk my k-tea first thing in the morning so that it moves into the blood stream quickly and unhindered. It also passes quickly in the liver and kidneys and probably is more efficient then when competing with a lot of other waste products. A