Should Iraq, Zimbabwe,Congo and iran .be allowed to use nuclear power for electricity?
1. there is a cost with processing, handling, SAFELY operating, and disposing of nuclear materials. It would be exponentially more intelligent to allow countries that can afford this, to export electricity to these countries at a reduced rate, for their agreement to not pursue their own nuclear interests. 2. if a country is receiving foreign aid as it is, they certainly cannot handle the costs associated with nuclear power. 3. if other countries import power to the countries, those countries can concentrate their other resources on addressing other quality of life issues (disease, water, medical, education, etc) that are just as, or more pressing, than electricity from nuclear power Finally, the best method of utilizing nuclear power is using U-235 as a thermal fuel, then reprocessing it for Plutonium and U-238 for use in breeder reactors, which can then create U-235 again… doing this creates a source of power for milleniums to come, for the entire world. HOWEVER this same technology