Should the syariah court be giving him shelter, where perhaps he is seeking shelter for the wrong reasons?
When somebody claims he is a Muslim, you can actually judge if he really is a Muslim or not, by three things: When he makes a contract, he breaks it; when he is given a responsibility, he shirks that responsibility; when he speaks, he lies. These are the signs of an evil person. So, if a fellow claims he is a Muslim, and yet his actions do not reflect it, then he is not a Muslim. So if a fellow is converting because he wants to escape something, you cannot shelter him for that. You have to live up to your responsibility. If a person has recently converted to Islam, there is no question about the division of property according to Islam, because he accumulated all that when he was not a Muslim. Whatever property he accumulates after he becomes a Muslim, that’s different. That belongs to him — his wife has no say in that. In my opinion, in the Subashini case, the wife should have custody of the children. They are still young. They need their mother. Q: This judgment is different from Lin