Some options of AB Commander are grayed out. Why?
If some of the options of AB Commander (in particular those on the Options – Panels page) are grayed out, this is NOT because AB Commander is crippled in any way. As a matter of fact, AB Commander relies on the support from Windows to use such options. If AB Commander detects that the operating system you are using cannot provide such support, it grays out the appropriate options. To support all the advanced options, you need an updated version (4.71 or later) of the file COMCTL32.DLL. (This file must be placed in the Windows\System folder). An updated version of this file is automatically copied to your Windows\System folder when you install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later. The latest versions of Windows 95 (95C and later) and Windows 98 also supply an updated version of this file. To check the version number of the file you have, use the Help – System Information command of AB Commander. Alternatively, go to the folder Windows\System (or System32 if you use Windows X