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Typically, what are the costs to the Virginia delegates?

costs delegates Virginia
10 Posted

Typically, what are the costs to the Virginia delegates?


The home stay model requires, at a minimum, that each delegate provide his/her partner with a room, bath, three meals a day, and local transportation. Beyond that basic level, you are free to use your own discretion. You may expect that your partner will reciprocate in kind. As a guideline, the cost of meals not provided at home should be paid by the host, and basically anything that has a cost associated that you have chosen should be paid for by you. Many delegates choose to give their partners a gift either upon arrival or departure. Most college presidents send a gift to the European college principal (president) in May as a gesture of collegiality. Many Virginia delegates take gifts for the host delegate or his/her family and children in May. So, back to the question of out of pocket expenses, delegates often spend an additional $200-$500+ during the exchange, depending on the leisure time activities chosen and the cost of living in the delegate’s area.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.