Want to take a look at mucoid plaque?
Mucoid Plaque can look like this long and rubbery or mushy with indescribable smell. And yes, it’s inside YOU! http://www.malapacao.com/pages/picgallery/gallerypages/colonicsgallery.htm The photos on this page are actual pieces of mucoid plaque that have come out following a TOTAL Detox cleanse. Generally they can vary in length anywhere from a few inches to feet. They are thick and rubbery in texture and hard to break apart. They are very gross and it is best out of us than inside us. No two people are the same and so some will release only a little of this rubbery stuff but will eliminate a lot of soft mucosa stuff. If this is the case with you, do not feel sad or cheated, whatever comes out during this fast is what is meant to be released and you can do many other fasts to remove more rubbery materials inside you after a month or two and on a regular basis.