Was he the same Mihamahiro of Takasago Beya Sumo Wrestling Association?
O Sensei: Yes. He was from Kishu Province. When I was staying at Shingu in Wakayama, Mihamahiro was doing well in the Sumo ranks. He had tremendous strength and could lift three rods which weighed several hundred pounds. When I learned Mihamahiro was staying in town, I invited him to come over. While we were talking Mihamahiro said, “I’ve also heard that you, Sensei, possess great strength. Why don’t we test our strength?” “All right. Fine. I can pin you with my index finger alone,” I answered. Then I let him push me while I was seated. This fellow capable of lifting huge weights huffed and puffed but could not push me over. After that, I redirected his power away from me and he went flying by. As he fell I pinned him with my index finger, and he remained totally immobilized. It was like an adult pinning a baby. Then I suggested that he try again and let him push against my forehead. However, he couldn’t move me at all. Then I extended my legs forward, and, balancing myself, I lifted m