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Was JosephSmith, founder of the Mormon Church, a Mason?

church Founder mason Mormon

Was JosephSmith, founder of the Mormon Church, a Mason?


(This section provided by Brother BobDixon; the use of the first person is his) “Joseph Smith was a mason, as werethe following four presidents of the LDS church. From about 1839 to about 1846 mostof the members of the church gathered to Nauvoo, Illinois, and there were at least four lodges in operation there. Joseph Smith was a very flamboyant individual and had a disagreement with the Grand Lodge of Illinois over the way the Nauvoo lodges were operated. Accordingly, their charters were revoked by the Grand Lodge. He was murdered by a mob in 1844, andBrigham Young felt it was as a result of a masonic conspiracy. Heprohibited Mormons from being Masons, which remained in effect untilthe last ten years or so. The ill feelings went both ways, as theGrand Lodge of Utah refused to accept Mormons as members until about1984. There are no particular restrictions on Mormons being Masons. We are continually counselled to put our families and Christ first, which many interpret as counsel to avoid

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