Was the babys death anyones fault?
No one is at fault. When a baby dies as the result of a car accident or a known disease, we can understand what has happened. But in the case of SIDS, when even doctors cannot explain the cause, the death seems mysterious. Many parents blame themselves, or even each other at first; they feel they must have done, or failed to do, something. While it is understandable that parents feel this way, such guilt is inappropriate. Families sometimes blame a caregiver or their doctor. Frequently the baby was examined shortly before death, and the doctor found no signs that would lead anyone to suspect that the baby might die. But SIDS cannot be predicted. Many doctors and nurses have lost their own babies to SIDS. It can happen to infants even in the hospital. Even with accurate information about SIDS, some family members find it difficult to accept these facts. They may continue to search for answers or blame themselves or others.