Whar is a PTA in Good Standing?
For a local unit PTA to be in good standing, it must be in compliance with National PTA and Utah PTA bylaws and guidelines, including the following: • Adhering to the Purposes and basic policies of PTA • Having an EIN (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS on file with Utah PTA • Submitting the names and contact information of current officers to Utah PTA • Having bylaws renewed by Utah PTA every three years • Remitting national and state portions of membership dues to Utah PTA by dates designated (The current procedure requires local units to make monthly remittances, by the 25th of each month, with a final remittance by March 15.) • Submitting to council and/or region year-end financial statement, audit report, and approved budget • Submitting IRS Form 990EZ, if required (Generally, if the PTAs gross receipts are normally more than $25,000, the unit must file with the IRS by November 15.) If a local unit PTA is not in good standing, neither the unit nor the students attending