What are Flower Essences?
• Essences are not Homoeopathic Preparations Homoeopathic preparations often start off the same way as essences do, with an aqueous solution of the source material. With homoeopathy, a small volume of that solution is then diluted in a large volume of water and shaken(sucussed) many thousands of times. A small sample of the resulting solution is diluted further, then sucussed. This procedure is repeated until the required potency is reached. Homoeopathic preparations are designated by the suffix of “C”, “M” or sometimes the outdated term “x”. Homoeopathic preparation are medicines as far as the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are concerned. They have their own sub-section in medicine law and manufacturers are required to meet rigid standards of production. If essences are labelled as “5x” or similar, they are not essences. Some producers use this type of labelling for marketing or promotional purposes. If the contents are indeed “5x”, then they are a homoepathic
Flower essences are herbal infusions or decoctions, made from the flowering part of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930’s, although new remedies from other plant species are now available.
Flower essences are liquid plant preparations that differ from herbal blends in that they are made by infusing only the fresh flower blossoms, under very specific conditions. These essences are potentized remedies, similar to homeopathy. Part of the beauty of flower essences is that they are not drugs. They have no direct impact on the body’s biochemistry, as do pharmaceutical and psychoactive drugs. They are non-habit forming, non-toxic remedies with no chance of overdose or side effects. There are no contraindications to any healing modalities or drug protocols. They will not create a testing problem for those animals that are competing or racing.
Flower essences are an extraction of the healing vibrational energies produced by flower blossoms. Fresh flower blossoms are gathered in the early morning and placed in water and sunlight where they release their subtle energies. The resulting flower essence energized waters are added to our products so that you may experience their gentle healing energy. These flower essences contain therapeutic benefits that aid in soothing and balancing the emotions and managing everyday choices.