What are Flower Essences?
When to take flower essences Dilution and dosage bottles • How to Use Flower Essences for Animals Why and how they work with animals Selecting essences for animals Administering essences for animals • The Animal Rescue Formula How the formula got created and why The Flower Essences in the Animal Rescue Formula Feelings and Energy States which are Harmonized by the Flower Essences in the Formula How to purchase the formula How to be involved in the research of this formula Behavioral Observation Feedback Form • How to Use Flower Essences for Yourself Selecting essences for yourself How to take essences for yourself • Lists and Descriptions of Flower Essences for Specific Situations Animals Animal Communication Compassion Fatigue Grief Physical Illness, Injury, Surgery and Trauma Trauma Transcendent Experiences
Flower Essences are not therapeutic drugs – but work on the mind, body and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the most evolved part of the plant – the flowers. They work on an emotional level, harmonising negative feelings and belief patterns, held in the subconscious mind.
Flower essences are natural remedies that address negative emotional states, sometimes physical ailments, and help to bring about a more positive mind-set and enhance one’s wellbeing. The healing properties of flower essences are made possible through the life force of the flowers. The life force of each different species of flower is “in tune” with a different emotion/s. For example, Aspen flower essence addresses fears of unknown origins. A treatment of Aspen essence would accordingly assist one to feel increasingly fearless, joyous and eager. Dissolving and alleviating negative emotions allows the Higher Self to manifest increasingly in the individual’s life. This in turn enhances our sense of wellbeing and wholeness. If health is the sum total of a healthy mind, body and spirit, flower essences then play a remarkable role in promoting and maintaining health.