What are Gluten Intolerance Symptoms to Watch Out For?
Symptoms to watch for after consuming gluten would be discomforts such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. Watch for fat in your stools, cramps, aching joints, tingling and numbness, headaches, rash, itchy skin, and irritability. Longer term conditions could include irregular menstrual cycles, slowed child development, weight gain or weight loss, depression, and nutritional deficiencies. Celiac disease is a very serious type of gluten intolerance and this causes your immune system to be triggered by gliadin which is a gluten protein. Your small intestine’s lining will become flattened by the inflammation created by your body’s reaction to this protein. This will hinder your ability to absorb important and life giving nutrients from the foods that you consume. This is a fairly common disease and will usually be found with other family members. Continuing with the consumption of gluten while having this disease could create even more diseases. If you want to eliminate this disea