What are good reference works on the Finnish Mosin Nagants?
There are a number that come to mind, with this site being one of them. We have tried our best to provide some of the best Mosin Nagant information that can be located anywhere. Also Mosin Nagant Page of DanZ is quite good. While it focuses on the Russian models, The Russian Mosin Nagant Page is another great online resource. Other fine works are: The Mosin Nagant Rifle, by Terence Lapin, Rifles Of The White Death, by Doug Bowser, Drei Linien Die Gewehre Mosin-Nagant, by Karl-Heinz Wrobel, and without a doubt the best work on the subject Sotilaskasiaseet Suomessa 1918-1991 Vol1-3- from Markku Palokangas: Vammalan Kirijapaino Oy. Most of these books and information on how to buy such books can be located on the site as can the links to the mentioned websites.