What are Homeopathic Medicines and how are they different than herbs, vitamins and other supplements?
Now there are a lot of them on the market, you can try some of them for your purposes. The main thing is a quality product and the right dosage so that they work for the benefit of your health. I am currently using Therastore which is an organic supplement to improve my health and they work great.
Hi there! I think homeopathic meds are not working at all, and you should not take those. I would like to recommend that you have a look at Canadian pharmacy for some really good and trusted stuff which will work well for you, and will not break a bank. I am pretty sure that you will like those a lot, good luck!
Most homeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances that come from plants or minerals. A remedy is prepared by diluting the substance in a series of steps. Homeopathy asserts that this process can maintain a substance’s healing properties regardless of how many times it has been diluted. Many homeopathic remedies are so highly diluted that not one molecule of the original natural substance remains.