What are Routings used for?
You can use a Routing as a list of instructions (for ISO 9000 requirements for example that need written work instructions for all tasks) and/or use Routing and Estimated time per part for scheduling but have $0 rates in the work centers and still use a Labor part number for labor costs. Routings/Work Centers potentially provide 4 things and you can use them to the extent needed to obtain 1,2,3 or all 4 pieces of information. There is no need to fully use costed labor reporting. You can use Routings for items 1,2 and/or 3 and still use Labor Part Numbers for costing. 1. Written step by step instructions; good for ISO 9000 certification. No standard times, or work center rates or capacities needed. 2. Scheduling/Planning. No work center rates but need work center capacity and time standards in the routing to determine backlog by work center. 3. Work Order status within the production flow. No rates needed but labor reporting quantity complete by sequence is needed to know where the part