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What are signs of asthma in children?

Posted Kestie Beckan edited answer

What are signs of asthma in children?


According to the American Lung Association, asthma is the leading serious chronic illness among children in the United States. With asthma, the child’s bronchial airways become inflamed as a result of allergies, viral infections or airborne irritants. This inflammation results in a range of asthma symptoms.Common SymptomsIn childhood asthma, the common symptoms are coughing, whistling or wheezing sounds when exhaling, shortness of breath and tightness or congestion in the chest, according to the Mayo Clinic.Sleep DifficultiesA child with asthma might have difficulty sleeping because of shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing.Worsening Coughing or WheezingA child with asthma might experience coughing or wheezing that worsens with a respiratory infection, as with the cold or flu.Frequent Respiratory InfectionsA child with asthma might have frequent respiratory infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis.Exercise-Induced SymptomsA child might experience exercise-induced asthma, during w


Hi there! What do you think about some asthma treatment drugs? I would like to get any tips and thoughts on such stuff from you here. Please let me know if you think that some meds are good and worth trying. Thanks a lot for any advice here 🙂

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