What are some good ways to help boost the productivity of my sales team?
I always look for ways to turn problems into hard numbers when dealing with issues like this. So, I would suggest that you start off by trying some employee time tracking solutions around the office. There are plenty of apps and programs that can handle that task. And while time-keeping software gets a bad reputation, you can use it without affecting morale as long as you stick to analyzing team-wide trends, rather than using these tools to micromanage your team on an individual level.
You can combine that data to identify time sinks and choke points in the workflow of your sales team, then you can look into changes to help solve these issues. Typically, this will require using new tools, revamping existing systems, or providing additional training for team members. Automation is often a huge help here, and there are plenty of automation tools to choose from these days. Some of them are very specific, like the fire door schedule tool found on https://rapidspec.co.uk/fire-door-schedule.
It’s also a good idea to ask your team what they believe could be done to boost productivity. Maybe some of your team members have already developed solutions and workarounds that they are keeping to themselves.