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What are Superbit, Infinifilm, and other variations of DVD?


What are Superbit, Infinifilm, and other variations of DVD?


There is one single DVD-Video standard. However, within the DVD-Video format there is a great deal of flexibility in the way discs can be created. Different studios have come up with brand names for their particular implementations of advanced features. There’s nothing extraordinary about any particular variation, other than a studio spending a lot of time and effort making it work well and promoting it. These kinds of advanced DVDs should play on most players but may reveal more player bugs than standard discs (see 1.41). Superbit DVDs, from Columbia TriStar, use a high data rate for the video to improve picture quality. Additional language tracks and other extras are left off the disc to make room for more video data and for a DTS audio track. In most cases the difference is subtle, but it does improve the experience on high-end players and progressive-scan displays. See for marketing fluff. Infinifilm DVDs, from New Line, let you watch a movie with pop-ups that direc


There is one single DVD-Video standard. However, within the DVD-Video format there is a great deal of flexibility in the way discs can work. Different studios have come up with brand names for their particular implementations of advanced features. There’s nothing extraordinary about any particular variation, other than a studio spending a lot of time and effort making it work well and promoting it. These kinds of advanced DVDs should play on most players but may reveal more player bugs than standard discs (see 1.41). Superbit DVDs, from Columbia TriStar, use a high data rate for the video to improve picture quality. Additional language tracks and other extras are left off the disc to make room for more video data and for a DTS audio track. In most cases the difference is subtle, but it does improve the experience on high-end players and progressive-scan displays. See for marketing fluff. Infinifilm DVDs, from New Line, let you watch a movie with pop-ups that direct you


There is one single DVD-Video standard. However, within the DVD-Video format there is a great deal of flexibility in the way discs can be created. Different studios have come up with brand names for their particular implementations of advanced features. There’s nothing extraordinary about any particular variation, other than a studio spending a lot of time and effort making it work well and promoting it. These kinds of advanced DVDs should play on most players but may reveal more player bugs than standard discs (see 1.41 ). Superbit DVDs, from Columbia TriStar, use a high data rate for the video to improve picture quality. Additional language tracks and other extras are left off the disc to make room for more video data and for a DTS audio track. In most cases the difference is subtle, but it does improve the experience on high-end players and progressive-scan displays. See for marketing fluff. Infinifilm DVDs, from New Line, let you watch a movie with pop-ups that dire


Asked in Computers & Accessories at 1:22 AM on October 28, 2008 Tags: superbit, infinifilm, variations, dvd

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