What are the beneficial uses of fluoride?
Fluoride is an effective agent for preventing dental caries if taken in ‘optimal’ amounts. The relation ship between fluoride and dental caries was first noted in the early part of the 20th century when it was observed that residents of certain areas of USA developed brown stains on their teeth. These stain teeth though unsightly were highly resistant to dental decay and caries. In the 1930’s it was discovered that the prevalence and severity of this type of mottled enamel was directly related to the amount of fluoride in water. Subsequently it was recognized that fluoride consumption in optimal amounts in the water supply imparted protection against the development of dental caries with out staining the teeth. Hence water fluoridation has been initiated in the water supplies of cities and towns, which are low in fluoride content. Another benefit of fluoride is that the incidence of osteoporosis seems to occur less frequently in regions with high fluoride content in water then those in