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What are the benefits of Car Sharing?

Benefits car sharing
10 Posted

What are the benefits of Car Sharing?


Car sharing reduces vehicle ownership expenses. It’s great for people who need a car once in awhile, but don’t want the hassles associated with owning a car. People who share cars tend to drive less, so car sharing can reduce traffic, air and noise pollution, as well as other social costs, such as health and welfare. If you are environmentally-minded, car sharing could be for you! The Victoria Car Share Co-op provides a neutral, not-for-profit, user-based service, where the members win!


For the Member It means low cost access to a car when you really need one – but not being saddled with the whole debt load when the need is low. For the Environment It means people drive less and when they do drive, they do so in a very well-maintained car. This improves air quality and eliminates some non-point sources of pollution so the airshed and watershed are enhanced by car sharing. For the Community With car sharing, we have fewer cars in our communities. This means less noise, less congestion and less stress on green space (i.e. less threat of asphalting over an area for additional parking). Ultimately, fewer cars are impinging on space in the neighbourhood which fosters a more pedestrian-friendly place to live.


– For Members it means low cost access to a car when you really need one, without the whole debt load of owning and hassles of car maintenance. – For the Environment it means improved air quality, reduced greenhouse gases and eventually, less asphalt. – For our Communities it means safer streets, more support for transit, less traffic congestion and better mobility for everyone, especially low income earners.


For the Member it means low cost access to a car when you really need one, along with the substantial benefit of not being saddled with a major debt and the hassle of car maintenance. For the Environment it means you are using a car as a last resort, once other forms of transportation have been considered. This means you will drive less and do so in a very well-maintained car. This helps to improve air quality and eliminates some non-point sources of pollution. Also, as Car Sharing grows, we will have fewer cars in our neighbourhoods, less noise from them, less congestion and stress on green space. For the Community it means cars will take up less space on our residential streets, fostering more pedestrian-friendly and child-friendly areas in which to live. Meanwhile it addresses social equity issues for those previously deprived of the resource.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.