What are the benefits of spaying and neutering?
Both operations lead to improved long-term health, prevent unwanted litters, and eliminate many behavior problems associated with the mating instinct. Benefits to your female pet Female dogs experience a “heat” cycle approximately every six months, depending upon the breed. A female dog’s heat cycle can last as long as 21 days, during which your dog will leave blood stains in the house and may become anxious, short-tempered and actively seek a mate. Female cats can come into heat every two weeks during breeding season until they become pregnant. During this time they may engage in behaviors such as frequent yowling and urination in unacceptable places. Both female dogs and cats benefit from spaying, which eliminates their heat cycles and generally reduces the negative behaviors that may lead to owner frustration and, ultimately, a decision to relinquish the pet to a shelter. Most importantly, early spaying of female dogs and cats helps protect them from serious health problems later in