What are the causes of Autism and Asperger syndrome?
There is no certainty concerning the causes of Autism or Asperger Syndrome, but reviews of studies suggests there may be some organic basis of autism. The developing nervous system may be adversely influenced at a very early stage by the effects of a variety of conditions such as maternal rubella, tuberous sclerosis, lack of oxygen at birth, ~ cough, allergies, or measles. Genetic factors appear significant but the sites of the relevant genes have not been pinpointed. Metabolic abnormalities, or mineral and vitamin deficiencies, may also be implicated among contributory causal factors. No significant evidence exists for psychogenic theories (i.e. some lack of attachment or bonding – “emotional refrigeration”). There has been considerable publicity afforded to the hypothesised link between autism and the MMR vaccination. However, there is no widely accepted evidence to support this hypothesis; the research appearing to support this link has been much criticised for methodological flaws.