What are the Causes of Baby Sleeping Problems?
There are many reasons that may be causing sleep problems in a baby or toddler. The first step in fixing them is determining what they are. One cause, and the first one to rule out, is external factors. External factors can include illness, teething, the room being too cold or hot, noises coming from another part of the house or from outdoors or a change in bedtime routine such as a new bedtime or the end of swaddling. document.getElementById(‘adsense_placeholder_2’).innerHTML = document.getElementById(‘adsense_ad_2_hidden’).innerHTML; Beyond external factors, which generally correct themselves quickly, or can be corrected quickly, baby sleeping problems can often occur due to a developmental leap forward. This can include the baby suddenly mastering a new skill, and wishing to practice it to the exclusion of all else, including sleep or it can be what is known as a Wonder Week. Wonder Weeks as described in the book The Wonder Weeks (Kiddy World Promotions B.V., 2008) are eight develop