What are the current trends in travel and tourism industry?
Travel and tourism is really a very interesting sector. The sector is growing at a fast pace. The major trend we notice is that the role of frontline people who are involved in ticketing, selling, customer-relationship has become very important. As they are engaged in customer relationship they require good skill sets. This industry needs more and more people who have not only technical but also good soft skills. Q: How do you see the HR challenge in your industry? A: We found that the crisis for talent is there in every emerging sector like retail, telecom, IT, insurance etc. In travel and tourism industry, we need to attract more candidates towards this sector. We need people with good skill sets who can grow in future, and also help in growth of the industry. Q: What do the youth graduating from the traditional university-based education system lack when coming to job market? A: The major gap that we witness is the lack of skill sets in Indian graduates. The problem is that they hav