What are the features of the reproductive cycles in my pet?
Feline: A Felines first heat cycle usually occurs around 4-12 months. The duration of heat can last 6-7 days. The gestation period can be between 58-70 days.Felines are unique in that they are “induced ovulators” which means they will go into and out of heat cycles until bred. Canine: Canines typically have their first heat at around 5-12 months old. The heat cycles occur every 6 months. The duration of heat can last 2-21 days. The Gestation period can be between 58-70 days. An ultrasound can be performed to confirm pregnancy at around 17 days. A radiograph can be performed at around 42 days. Most canines begin to show signs of pregnancy around 40 days.
Feline: A Felines first heat cycle usually occurs around 4-12 months. The duration of heat can last 6-7 days. The gestation period can be between 58-70 days. Felines are unique in that they are “induced ovulators” which means they will go into and out of heat cycles until bred. Canine: Canines typically have their first heat at around 5-12 months old. The heat cycles occur every 6 months. The duration of heat can last 2-21 days. The Gestation period can be between 58-70 days. An ultrasound can be performed to confirm pregnancy at around 17 days. A radiograph can be performed at around 42 days. Most canines begin to show signs of pregnancy around 40 days.