What are the future research directions for ADHD?
Continued research on ADHD is needed from many perspectives. The societal impact of ADHD needs to be determined. Studies in this regard include (1) strategies for implementing effective medication management or combination therapies in different schools and pediatric healthcare systems; (2) the nature and severity of the impact on adults with ADHD beyond the age of 20, as well as their families; and (3) determination of the use of mental health services related to diagnosis and care of persons with ADHD. Additional studies are needed to improve communication across educational and health care settings to ensure more systematized treatment strategies. Basic research is also needed to better define the behavioral and cognitive components that underpin ADHD, not just in children with ADHD, but also in unaffected individuals. This research should include (1) studies on cognitive development, cognitive and attentional processing, impulse control, and attention/inattention; (2) studies of pr