What are the greatest challenges that Trainers face?
• Time: Time is often the biggest hurdle. Trainers may abbreviate, modify and adapt material to conduct a TCH-P (Partial) session to fit the time allotted. Trainers also may deliver the training in multiple sessions to fit available time slots. • Technology: Often referenced as a challenge in attendee survey data, technology difficulties range in scope and complexity from download time to plug-ins. It is best for the Trainer to anticipate these issues and take pre-emptive action to avoid them (i.e. assure adequate Internet connectivity on the presenter and participant computers for a quality session, load plug-ins in advance of the training session, and have a site-based tech staff member on-hand for emergencies). For technical optimization and plug-in requirements, please see our Plug-ins and Utilities page. Basic specifications for trainers’ and participants’ computers are: a high-speed (T-1 line or higher) connection to the Internet; a Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 an