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What are the immediate aims of education? What are the first steps in laying a more appropriate foundation?


What are the immediate aims of education? What are the first steps in laying a more appropriate foundation?


Earlier, education fulfilled a social order – the upbringing of an individual in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism, a person whose actions were evaluated according to the criteria of this ideology. A person was programmed to be like everyone else, to do like everyone else, to have the same values ​​as everyone else. Now they pay attention to the personality. Reality makes a person independently find his way in life: there is no compulsory employment, not all professions are equal. But the school, in my opinion, is seriously behind this process. Personality development, specialized education, in essence, are not implemented to the extent that is required. Often there is nothing behind beautiful names, or even worse – old content. All this leads to the fact that all new goals are reduced to profanation. The same thing happens in the control system: the same skills and abilities are tested, the ability to independently find ways to solve a problem should have been tested, to find practical application of knowledge. The main thing is to make the right decision, I made the wrong one, now I understand that everything needs to be changed, I even have to buy biology essay.

Alyssa Meston

It all depends on the goals you need. For me, the main goal was to get a good education at school and prepare for admission to one of the best universities in the world. My high school north Ridgeville helped me do this. Teachers at this school helped me prepare for University and decide what I want to become in the future. It is a pity that not many schools have such a pleasant atmosphere as in my school. I can advise you to ask your question to a psychologist who will help you understand what exactly you want from education.

Andrew Arst

I think that the first immediate purpose of the education is to teach students how to express your thoughts correctly. We can do it in black white and orally. But sometimes many students have problems with writing speech. In this case, the services like EssaysMatch would help them.


Education these days really can “buy” you a success but being a student for long years tires a lot. Well, as I know, some students are using writing services and I must say that I would do the same. BTW if here you can discover more about writing services if that’s interesting for you.

Jeni Smith

Awesome Question. I would love to see true life prepared to walk, so please share more informative updates. Great work keeps it up. 300-075 exam question

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